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Why Google Translator ISN'T Right For Your Business

by Christina Boyes


Think the world of machine learning can dominate translation? Think again. As amazing as Google Translator and other similar apps are, they lack one vital ingredient – a human touch. Literal translation isn’t always effective. In fact, it's often so bad that it would make a good joke. If it didn't cost you time and money.


Imagine your company’s new brochure, printed on high quality paper, with excellent images, type face, and overall appearance.


There’s only one hitch.


It sounds like it was written by a three year old.


That’s the problem with poor quality translation – machine or human.


A high quality translation includes knowledge of the culture, idioms, and expected writing tones in both the source and target languages. And that requires a human. One with experience. You know you need a translator, but how do you choose one?


Think smart. Culture is key in linguistics. You need native speakers, or at the very least, ex-pats with experience living in your target country. You need intelligent individuals who can grasp not only the languages being translated, but the topics, as well.


A poor translation can cost your organization its reputation, future opportunities, and the confidence of foreign partners. In a hospital, a botched interpretation could delay treatment and potentially cost your life. In love, a few misunderstood phrases could end a promising relationship. Consider what a poor translation could cost you.


Quality translation and interpretation requires skill and training, as well as practice. At Rusmexus Writers, our translators and interpreters have all lived in multiple countries, and operate at native or near native fluency in their respective languages.


They know that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, y quien compra paraguas cuando llueve, en vez de seis paga nueve. (But using "dichos" might not work in your favor in formal settings or business in Mexico - they're seen negatively in both speech and writing.)


Contact us today to guarantee high quality linguistic services for yourself or your organization today. Our calendar fills up fast.


Don’t get left out in the cold. Reserve your spot on our schedule today.


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