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Ghostwriting Services and Corporate eBooks

Do you have a book inside of you, waiting to get out?


Does your organization need an eBook to use as part of a marketing funnel, to build credibility, or to distribute in-house?


Are you an author in need of a writer?


We provide multiple types of ebooks and ghostwritten texts for corporate use. Many of our 

Our books and ebooks are used to drive conversions on websites, and form the backbone of several marketing funnels. Writers on our team have produced several bestsellers as ghostwriters, and have edited many more. 


Your book will sell. We guarantee it.  


For completed manuscripts, we provide comprehensive and honest reviews, as well as

editing and proofreading services. If you work with us, you will learn about the publishing

industry, and how to use books for marketing, or how to start a professional career as an

author using a ghostwritten book.


We believe in helping you hone your craft. Although we can't promise you the world, we

do promise you a quality result. Our titles are ranked as Amazon bestsellers in numerous

categories, with a heavy concentration in How To books, Cooking, Nutrition, Health &

Wellness, Diet & Health, and Beauty.


For examples of our ebooks, please write to


Keep an eye on Amazon for a new book by world-reknowned resterauteur,

Geordy Murphy, with Christina Boyes, our copywriting department head. The book,

on how to open a restaurant, is slated for publication before the end of 2014.


Get in touch with our writing team today by emailing, and let your masterpiece come to life. 



Image Credits: Graphic Stock

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