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What the Heck is an Oxford Comma?

by Christina Boyes

If you aren’t passionate about punctuation, obsessed with grammar, or in love with the Oxford comma, you may not realize just how important punctuation is to your written communications. Proper punctuation can make the difference between killing someone and eating a meal, as demonstrated by the infamous grandma meme (Let's Eat, Grandma! Let's Eat Grandma!).


Proper punctuation does more than save lives, however. It can help you to create a more professional, polished look. The same is true of grammar. Regardless of the size or scope of the document you are creating, hiring a competent editing professional can make a significant difference in how your content is perceived, and as a result, how you are viewed.


Professional editors and proofreaders are well versed in numerous styles (yes, there are STYLES in punctuation!), and comfortable working in media as diverse as academic journals, books, and blog articles. They revise and correct product descriptions, emails, and nearly all other forms of writing.


Ok, I’m convinced. What type of editing professional should I hire?


There are several types of editors that you may consider for your document’s needs. Here at Rusmexus Writers, we provide several services:


  • ProofreadingText (also called substantive or developmental) editing

  • Copy editing

  • Indexing


On a limited basis, we also handle research.


The difference between these services isn’t always apparent to writers. The descriptions below should help you determine what your manuscript requires.


Proofreading: This is the most basic service. After your manuscript has been copy edited, and is typeset or prepared for publication, a proofreader provides the final manuscript revision. A proofreader checks the quality of the document’s print readiness. This includes a final review of punctuation, spelling, spacing, formatting, and the like.


Simple copyediting: Copy editors ensure that a document conforms to the requested style (APA, MLA, or Chicago are offered here at Rusmexus), review syntax, punctuation, and formatting. Some fact checking may be included, as well.


Text editing: Authors often struggle with this phase of editing. Text editors provide critiques, suggestions, or revisions on a significant scale. They are generally the first editors to review a document, and work to ensure that meanings are clear, the information is accurate, and an author’s voice is consistent throughout the document.


Indexing: Although not technically an editing service, indexing is a common requirement for nonfiction authors. Creating an analytical index is a tedious process that can be confusing for writers. Our editing services include indexing free of charge, when requested at the start of a project.








Take a load off your shoulders – let us handle the tiny details that writers often overlook, but on which readers and publishers fixate. Contact us NOW for rates, and to schedule your editing project!


As for the Oxford Comma, 


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