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How Royalties Rob You Blind

by Christina Boyes

Wondering why those dastardly royalties are more than an inconvenience in contract negotiations and accounting? Keep wondering. It turns out that paying royalties to a freelance professional or subcontracted agency can actually work in your favor. Especially when dealing with writers.




Copywriters and writing service agencies are motivated by the same thing as you: the bottom line. Any writer that is worth hiring also knows the benefit of a royalty. Keep these three factors in mind, and you’re in perfect shape to reap the rewards of hiring writers on royalty – from agencies to freelancers.


Carrot and Stick


Writers need to earn money. So do you. When you pay everything upfront, the motivation to deliver a high-quality product drops. And not always on purpose. Even highly professional and motivated writers lose a little steam subconsciously. After all, once the copy leaves their desk, it’s yours to worry about. Keep your writer working hard by offering a metaphorical carrot – royalties. A royalty clause helps a writer to feel more at ease in their position, assured of lasting income. It also means they will work that much harder to deliver unbeatable copy.


Lower Upfront Cost


If your budget is limited, but you need high quality copywriting, royalties are your friend. Many writers offer the possibility to either pay a flat fee or include a royalty clause in your agreement. This is especially beneficial for younger companies – you still receive excellent copy, but your immediate payout is much lower.


Instant Screening


Think you found the perfect writer? Keep in mind that quality and experience often go hand in hand. An experienced writer knows their business, and keeps on top of trends in the industry. An experienced writer also knows the value of a royalty. A writer who doesn’t ask about royalties is either lacking in experience and self-confidence or produces copy that doesn’t sell.


There you have it.


Royalties are actually a boon for your organization. Sure, you may pay more in the long run, but only if the copy sells. Otherwise, your investment is minimal compared to flat-rate contractors.


Now you know why Rusmexus Writers offers two fee structures: one flat rate, and one royalty-based. Contact us today for a project estimate!

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