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Maybe We're Crazy...

...but do you hate writing about yourself?


Does writing a LinkedIn summary sound as exciting as a root canal?


Would you rather scrub toilets than write a cover letter? 


You just got lucky. The universe smiled on you...


...or maybe we just went a little nuts.


We LIKE writing about you. So we're having a sale on LinkedIn evals and cover letters. Tell us what you need, and we'll be in touch within 24 hours to see how we can help you. 


Go watch a movie. Take a walk. Hang out with friends, or spend a little time relaxing in your favorite cafe. We're offering you the once in a lifetime opportunity to relax and let someone else handle the paperwork.


Each LinkedIn profile evaluation and optimization includes a 4+ page report on your current profile, a new professional summary, and a profile headline tailored to meet your professional goals. 


"This is absolutely incredible: it puts LinkedIn in to a whole new perspective... You can bet I will be your number one PR as this looks like the best ROI of the year." - F. Belluomini


The cover letters we craft express your strengths and how they fit the position you are applying for - they're guaranteed to capture your personality and qualifications. 


Valued at over $100 per service, we're offering you both for just $75. That's right - an indepth, custom report on your LinkedIn profile and a new cover letter for just $75. 


Only need your cover letter? We've got you covered. $59 and it's done. We'll even customize it for two prospective employers, so you actually get two cover letters for the price of one! 


Just interested in a better LinkedIn profile? One that has prospective employers or clients begging you to get in touch? No problem. $49 gets you a LinkedIn profile that will improve your search results and get you the attention you want and deserve from prospective employers and clients. 


And if you aren't satisfied, we'll give you two free rewrites. 


Yup. You read that right. Two FREE rewrites for your cover letter or LinkedIn profile.


No hassle. Just quality writing, tailored to your needs.


This is the kind of deal we can't afford to offer for long.


We're already booked through the end of September, but if you act now by reserving your spot on our calendar we'll give you an additional 50% discount on the copywriting service of your choice, valid through December 14th, 2014. 


Please note that submitting your email doesn't obligate you to work with us. It just helps us get a conversation started, to see how we can help you. 











We believe in your privacy. We will NEVER distribute, sell, or give your email to anyone. You've got enough junk mail - we won't add to it. 







Copywriting Service Sale

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