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Crash Course:

How To Create Quality Content With a Writer For Hire

by Christina Boyes

Once upon a time there was no such thing as content marketing...everyone wrote their own copy, and words weren't really used to sell. They were strictly for the rich. 


It was the Dark Ages. You know...before electricity, the printing press, and schools...


For centuries, in-house writers and writers for hire have shaped the marketplace. We've crafted sales, driven ROI, and even convinced the world that toothpaste was a thing. As professional writers began to dominate the advertising and marketing worlds, a few clear guidelines (and a handful of myths) emerged about how to work with us to get the best bang for your buck. 


Since our job is to make you money, we're assuming you'll like making more of it. If that's the case, keep reading...


We'll tackle mythology now. 


Myth #1: Writers Don't Do Research

Many writers - including Rusmexus Writers' staff - love what they do because it allows them to do a little research from time to time. Copywriters, brand journalists, ghostwriters, and all kinds of marketing and web copy writers, do research. We have to. If our copy isn't honest, it won't create sustained sales. Sure, it might work for a little while. After that, the word is out - we look bad, and so do our clients. 


Careful research is a part of what we do. 


Test potential writers for hire by asking them for samples of previous copy. Check the accuracy of their work. If you ask for a source, can they provide it? Anything that can be questioned in sales copy, blogs, articles, or other public media should also be verifiable. If they can't vet their work, you can't afford the potential cost of hiring them. 


Rules of thumb: A dependable copywriter for hire will ALWAYS be able to create quality content using original research AND the data you provide. A very good writer will double check your data, make sure it fits your brand image and your goals, and ask you for clarification if they have any questions or doubts. Good writers will not lie or intentionally misrepresent your product or service. Don't ask. 


Myth #2: Writers Are Psychic

Writers love research, but if you want a copywriter, web writer, or other writing professional to be able to write soemthing that moves people - be it an eBook, sales letter, or white paper - they need your help.


As Darren DeMatas of Intertwine Marketing wrote in his post "How to Create Quality Content Without Spending Hours Writing," giving your writers a Table of Contents for each piece of copy is a smart move. Including a few keywords, the overall structure of the piece, target lengths, and reference sites is even better when dealing with short copy. If you're looking for a longer product like a book, case study, or white paper, give your writer a little more room, but provide direction and expect frequent communication. 

Never assume that a writer "gets you." Even when we know your niche and your target audience, we need to know what your goals are, where the piece will be published, if there are any space requirements or character/word length requirements, and a little background on what we're discussing. 


Giving a writer more information helps create quality content. Don't micro-manage, though. We are technical professionals with a competent grasp on our area and more interest in the impact of specific words on sales and conversions than you could care to imagine. We love what we do, and we're good at it.


And if you're nice, we'll teach you some of our tricks.


Myth #3: Copywriters Are Overpriced

If you've just started looking into hiring a copywriter, you might be suffering from a bit of sticker shock. The fact that Dan Kennedy commands six figures for a single letter, or that certain writers are still living quite well off of the royalties their work generated in the 1980s can be a shock. Especially to a small business owner. 


But we don't just write


Here's the thing...a writer who commands top fees does so for a reason - they've invested in training programs, books, professional organizations, websites, and marketing with one goal in mind - reaching you and helping your organization thrive. 


We look at data. Numbers...those things that scare away would-be writers...and we know how important changing the color, spacing, or size of text can be. We split test, evaluate results, and may even split test AGAIN to make sure our copy makes the impact you're hoping for. Writing for marketing purposes is quickly evolving into a science. 


Our fees are the result of effort, time, and dedication to your success. We'll often cut them in exchange for royalties - especially if we believe in our work. When we take a royalty agreement, we know that our pay depends on your success. 


As independent creatives, our business is creating quality content and copy for you. We won't ask unfair prices, but we won't accept offers that keep us from paying the bills, either. 


Keeping that in mind, it isn't always in your best interest to hire a copywriter...if the expected ROI from your product is relatively low, and your list is small, write the copy yourself. When the stakes are high, however, hire a professional writer.


This article on Copyblogger can help you decide when you need a writing pro, and when you can go it alone. 



Myth #4: There's No Difference Between Different Types of Writers/A Good Writer Can Write Anything

This is one of those unfortunate myths that circulates around the web and leads to product description pros being asked to write greeting cards, or ebook ghostwriters being begged to write sales letters. Unless your writing pro lists a service, don't assume that just because they can write well, they can do it. 


Don't take that the wrong way - it never hurts to ask. There are some very versatile writers in the world. Our Christina is one of them. But there are quite a few writers who love to write one thing, and one thing only. Different written products (books, sales letters, ebooks, blogs, product descriptions, customer service replies, etc) follow different formulas, and often require different skill sets. 


You wouldn't ask a neurosurgeon to operate on your heart. Would you?


To get the best return on your investment, you need someone who knows the writing style you need, and has mastered it. They should be able to educate you about the best practices for using it, and you should feel from talking with them that they know their area. 


Don't push a writer to write something they don't feel comfortable tackling. There's a reason they are saying no. Respect them. 




Myth #5: Good Copywriting Sells Everywhere - Even Overseas

Here at Rusmexus, we offer a service called International Copywriting. It's no different from our domestic copywriting services in that it accommodates your marketing, promotional, and brand development needs, will drive client or customer action, and is based on our experience and training.


There is one very big difference, however. 


Many companies think that the copy they pay for should work everywhere. Even in their overseas divisions. That's a flawed perspective, and a quick way to end up ridiculed worldwide. Some of the biggest brands have fumbled this way. Coors, for example, once accidentally marketed itself as provoking diarrhea.


Translating copy doesn't work - even when the translations make sense, they may have different implications than they do here at home. 


If you are planning on taking your marketing overseas, don't use the same copy. Look for writers who can create culturally relevant written products that read fluently, as though written by a native speaker. Your brand's image and reputation will benefit, as will your sales. 


Our international copywriting service does just this - instead of translating your copy, we create sales copy that is culturally appropriate for the intended international audience. We also help you target immigrant groups in the United States. If you want to get someone to act, you need to evoke emotion. That requires more than linguistic demands cultural competency. 


Just ask Electrolux how well their "Nothing sucks like an Electrolux" campaign performed in the US, and you'll understand what we're talking about. 


That's enough to help you get started. Watch for the next post, where we'll provide you with some basic guidelines for working with a professional writer. 


We'd love to hear your reactions, questions, and suggestions. Email us at today. If you'd like to hire our writers, email now. Our schedule fills quickly, so don't wait!  





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